Water cooperation in Central Asia

Water cooperation in Central Asia

As part of Central Asian water cooperation, Kazakhstan has received about 500 million cubic meters of water from Tajikistan since the start of summer, which is 45 million cubic meters more than the planned volume for this year. The water was directed through the Dostyk interstate canal. Since April the country has received over four billion cubic meters of water from Uzbekistan via the Syr Darya River. An agreement was also reached with the Kyrgyz Republic to supply Kazakhstan with 180 million cubic meters of water from the Shu River and twice as much from the Talas River.


«To ensure water supply to the southern regions, the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation is actively cooperating with neighboring countries. Tajikistan, along with other Central Asian states, is a key partner for our country. The Ministry places significant emphasis on collaborative efforts in water resource management and conservationsaid Almas Mussabekov, spokesperson for the Kazakh Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.