This episode explores the enduring appeal of theater, particularly musical theater, in the digital a...
Lifestyle – All Articles
This episode delves into the origins and significance of music in human life, tracing its roots back...
This episode explores the challenges faced by children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia,...
San Remo Junior in Kazakhstan is a launching pad for young stars ready to conquer Italy and the worl...
How can you turn your workplace into a safe fortress and avoid unnecessary risks? In 2023, the occup...
At one time, musicians added lyrical tones of jazz to the traditional rhythm of Brazil. This synthe...
You will learn about the rich world of Kazakh carpet weaving from this issue. We will talk about tr...
Branding is a relatively new phenomenon in Kazakhstan. Most of the local businesses have understood...
Viruses started inhabiting the Earth long before humans did. It is very possible that they will liv...
Geographic location is what is commonly called the advantage of Kazakhstan. At least when it comes t...
The mankind has been using clay literally since the dawn of time. It is difficult to say when Potte...
Keep up with the times, develop your intellect! This is the goal that teachers of specialized IT sc...
ALZHIR was the name of Akmola camp for the wives of traitors to the motherland. It was the 17th spe...