Over 40 investment projects currently implemented in special economic zones of Mangystau region

Over 40 investment projects currently implemented in special economic zones of Mangystau region

Over 40 investment projects are currently being implemented in the special economic zones of the Mangystau region, 28 of them are carried out in the Aktau Seaport zone. The projects’ total cost is estimated at almost 758 billion tenge, the Kazakh Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development reported. 13 projects are presently being implemented in the region’s other special economic zone, namely, in the National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark. The entities are specialized in petrochemical production, aiming at deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and the manufacture of high added value products. Thus, the construction of an integrated gas chemical complex, plants for the manufacture of packaging products made of plastics, polymers and other industrial materials is currently underway. Experts note that the special economic zones give a special impetus to the economic development of the Mangystau region.