Ethnic fashion week with modern twist takes place in Astana

Bozjyra Fashion Week featuring ethnic-style clothing by Kazakh and foreign designers is underway in Astana. Each season of the event, presented in a contemporary context, commemorates the women of the Great Steppe who have left an indelible mark on history. The theme for this week is Aru Soltana, a representative of the highest Kazakh aristocracy of the 16th century. At the age of 14-15, she arrived at the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England in London, where she mesmerized the English with her beauty and intellect. Fashion designers from Georgia, Russia, and Uzbekistan participating in the event do not hide their inspiration from Kazakh art.

«In the future, we want to collaborate with designers from Central Asia and the Middle East. We understand that our Turkic heritage is widespread and has been interpreted differently by various peoples. The community of designers of the Turkic world provides an opportunity to advance this direction. This development benefits not only the designers but also serves economic development purposes,» said Lurena Doskeyeva, organizer of the Bozjyra Fashion Week.

«Kazakhs highly value their origins and roots. Each design and ornament in Kazakh traditional patterns possesses a distinct power, which is captivating,» added Juliya Titova, fashion designer from Russia.