Polling stations in Nur-Sultan observe great interest among voters

Polling stations in Nur-Sultan observe great interest among voters

International observers have been visiting the polls and watching the process of the national referendum from the early hours. Polling station No. 111 in the National Academic Library was among the first to be visited by representatives of the CIS Observer Mission. They gave their first assessments.

“We came to the opening of this polling station at 7 a.m., and noticed a sufficient number of active citizens. This says a lot, and means that people show proactive attitude and care about their country’s destiny. To be honest, I thought that everyone would wake up and come around 10 or 11 a.m. this Sunday, but many people started to come by 7. This is a fairly great indicator,” said Sabir Gadzhiyev, Observers Group Coordinator, CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.

“I want to say that the Central Election Commission prepared very well. We see their intensive work with precinct election commissions and territorial election commissions. All this shows to us that everyone is well qualified and well prepared for the process,” said Dmitry Kobitsky, Secretary General, Council of CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.

Before the start of the referendum, foreign observers visited the Central Commission, the Constitutional Council, the Mazhilis, and the Senate of the Parliament, Chairperson of which Maulen Ashimbayev and the State Secretary Erlan Karin, who were also at the polling stations this morning. The Kazakh politicians exercised their right to vote.

“In general, it should be noted that one of the main principles of our constitution is the fact that the people and only people is the source of power. Today we see this principle of the constitution put into practice,” said Maulen Ashimbayev, Chairperson of Senate, Upper House of Kazakh Parliament.

“I believe that the majority of Kazakh citizens will come to vote at the polling stations today, because I traveled to the regions, I met with public figures, civic activists and youth. I had noticed that people in Kazakhstan are highly interested in the referendum. Many citizens said that on June 5 they would definitely come to the vote,” said Erlan Karin, State Secretary of Kazakhstan.

A total of 3,511 potential voters were registered at the polling station No. 111 in the capital.


Translation by Saniya Sakenova

Editing by Saule Mukhamejanova