World Nomad Games host assyk atu and mas-wrestling competitions

These days, Astana and the world of ethnic sports are the focus of attention of nomadic peoples’ heritage admirers worldwide. The most anticipated, spectacular, intellectual competitions take place on the capital’s sports grounds. One of them is assyk atu. The first round of this sport at the World Nomad Games already brought Kazakhstan victory. The team beat Mongolia with a score of 2-0. In total, 39 athletes from 12 countries are competing for the title of the best in assyk atu competitions, including teams from Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Spain, Georgia, and Hungary. In Hungary, assyk atu is becoming more and more popular. According to Attila Vass, one of the Hungarian team members, the game helps develop skills such as agility, precision, and concentration.

«This game was known in Hungary in very old times but we forgot about it. Only old people play it. Now we have a coach in Hungary from Kazakhstan, a lady called Zhanargul. She started to teach us this game this year to make it again very popular amongst children. So, we made a team very fast, and we started to train in Hungary, in the parks. We lost to Uzbekistan. And we beat Spain with 3:0. So, now we have another game with Georgia on live, and we hope that we can win,» he said.

Other athletes also came to Astana hoping for victory, including participants from 33 countries who arrived for mas-wrestling competitions, also known as Kazakh tayaq tartu. In this sport, opponents sit facing each other, feet braced on a board placed on the edge, and attempt to pull a stick to their side or wrest it from their rival’s hands. The fight lasts until two victories of one of the wrestlers. Both men and women take part in the competition, and Kazakhstan has already secured some medals. Olga Dushayeva and Takhmina Kozhamberdiyeva won bronze in the women’s competitions.

«I became interested in this sport last year and have been practicing for about six months. It is a spectacular and thrilling sport. My opponents are very strong. The first place went to a girl from the Kyrgyz Republic. She was very well-prepared. I sincerely congratulate her,» Kozhamberdiyeva shared.