UN assesses Kazakhstan’s digital development

Kazakhstan is one of the leaders in e-government development. High praise for the country's digital advancement was given by the UN official Vincenzo Aquaro. He heads the Division for Digital Government of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the international organization. The expert highlighted that Kazakhstan is now at the highest positions among the four clusters of the global index. The ranking takes into account three important aspects: the provision of online services, telecommunications, and human capacity. It assesses 193 member states of the UN.

“Now there are technical solutions, in which the data is given and delocalized. They are under the responsibility of the specific institutions, agencies, ministry that has this data,” Vincenzo Aquaro noted.

“The ranking is conducted in three different areas. The first one is the population’s access to the Internet, for example, in the villages. The second is human capital, and the third is e-services. We got into the top 10 for the last one,” said Daulet Bekmanov, Chairperson of the State Services Committee.