Explanatory work on referendum continues in Kazakh regions

Explanatory work on referendum continues in Kazakh regions

The upcoming nationwide referendum and changes to the basic law, which will strengthen the mechanisms for protecting the rights of citizens and the state, are being discussed in all regions of the country. The parliament members explain the importance of the upcoming political event and the amendments to the Constitution. People’s representatives hold meetings with the population.

“One of the main changes proposed by the Head of State is the transition from a super-presidential form of government to a presidential one with a strong parliament. I think this is well justified. The presidents of other countries also transfer some of their powers to the parliament. This is welcomed,” said Abdaly Nuraliyev, Member of  the Senate, the Upper House of Kazakh Parliament.

Overall, changes and additions will be made to 33 articles of the Constitution. Senator Vladimir Volkov met with the employees of the prosecutor’s office in Kostanai region. The MP noted that the population is most interested in the amendments that concern the issues of land, equality before the law and the protection of human rights. In this regard, the additions to the Constitution also determine the procedure for the work of the prosecutor’s office. Its representatives will defend the interests of citizens in the Constitutional Court.

“The Commissioner for Human Rights and the Prosecutor’s Office have the right to apply to the newly created body - the Constitutional Court, and protect human rights. It is very important. The difference between the Constitutional Council and the Constitutional Court is very big. If the Constitutional Court sees that the rights of citizens are violated, it cancels the law, the article of the law, the normative legal act, which was issued by the mayor,” Volkov explained.


Translation and editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova