Nomad Stunts to participate in Netflix project

Kazakh stuntmen will perform stunts for a new Netflix project. The streaming service will shoot a historical movie about the life path of legendary military leader Tamerlane. Filming of the historical feature movie for the world famous online cinema will take place from April to May 2023, and the preparatory period is scheduled for January-March next year. It is planned that most of the exterior shooting will take place in Kazakhstan, and the interior one in Uzbekistan. The filmmakers intend to involve Kazakh specialists in the project - from cameramen and costume designers to administrative staff.

“I persuaded them to film in Kazakhstan. It is important for me that the shooting takes place here, especially for such large-scale projects. I think it will be a breakthrough for us. If things go well, the way to the U.S. platforms will be opened for us. I hope that our filming locations will attract interest abroad, as they are really fascinating. So it is very important for me to be here and do a good job. We will train stunt actors, including physical training, fencing, and riding. When using a ratchet, we will immediately select stunt doubles, and perform tricks. We will need to quickly and efficiently prepare the stunts and shoot all the action in a four-week period,” said Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov, Director of the Nomad Stunts International Action Company.

It bears noting that this is the third joint project of domestic stuntmen with Netflix streaming service. Previously, they took part in the filming of the television series entitled ‘Marco Polo’ and ‘The Letter for the King’. They also collaborate with HBO Max and Apple TV + streaming services, Disney and Universal studios, and others.