CICA Business Forum takes place in Astana

CICA Business Forum takes place in Astana

Kazakhstan may localize four new enterprises dedicated to producing towers, blades, and other components of renewable power plants, each worth at least $20 million. The construction is expected to be funded through foreign investments, drawing active interest from potential investors from Central Asia, Turkey, China, and Germany. This was announced by Chairman of the Presidium of Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Raimbek Batalov during the CICA Business Forum in Astana. The event saw the participation of over 140 representatives of government and business circles from 20 CICA member states, gathering to discuss the implementation of joint projects not only in renewable energy and green finance, but also in the field of food security in the CICA territory. Batalov highlighted the interest of Kuwait and China in investing in agricultural projects. China, in particular, is ready to open several unified laboratories for certifying meat and grain on the territory of Kazakhstan, funded by its own resources. It is expected that one such laboratory will soon appear at the Alashankou station on the Kazakh-Chinese border, facilitating increased exports of agricultural products to the neighboring country.

“This laboratory is planned to be set up by year-end. That is, the Chinese side promised to address this matter in November or December. As for the laboratories on the territory of Kazakhstan, I am confident that by the first quarter of next year, these facilities will be invested in, certified, and operational. This will be convenient for all Kazakh grain producers and exporters. These are three to four laboratories in the eastern, southern and central parts of Kazakhstan,” Batalov said.