Unique research center opened in Kokshetau

A unique research and development center for the Akmola region has been opened in Kokshetau. According to Akmaral Aben, the head of the Central Asian Development Company, it is aimed at helping to develop the agro-industrial and biochemical industries to produce alternative fuels as well as to improve the environment and renewable energy by carrying out silicon semiconductor research.

“We conduct surface water analysis using a gas chromatograph. We got samples from Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. At the moment we are studying the water quality of lakes in the North Kazakhstan region,” said Nazgul Zhunussova, methodologist at the environmental laboratory.

“This fuel can be obtained from reeds. The main prospects of this fuel are that less carbon dioxide is emitted during the combustion process compared to gasoline or other fuel types,” noted Yedil Aishuk, head of the research department.

“We can use silicon semiconductors to create solar panels, computer electronics, as well as in shipbuilding, automotive and aircraft industries. That is, we can create all the electronics that are used in these industries ourselves by studying these semiconductors,” shared Kazhymukan Karim, methodologist of the engineering and technical department.

“Fertilizers from waste are currently being introduced in the Akmola region, fruit tree research is being conducted in southern Kazakhstan. In the future, we want to introduce it into production and for sale,” added Aishuk.

Also, as noted by Akmaral Aben, due to Arab investments, an International Halal Center will be established on the basis of the Scientific Center in cooperation with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.