ArcelorMittal Temirtau company presents gifts to special children

ArcelorMittal Temirtau continues its heart-warming traditions. This year, the company congratulated the pupils of the Rehabilitation Center No. 2 in Karagandy region on the International Children’s Day. It presented a Montessori room. 58 children with various developmental disorders study here.

Biju Nair, General Director of ArselorMitall Temirtau spoke to Deputy Director for Education at the Rehabilitation Center No.2 Olga Chekhovskaya.

“How do you prepare the training program individually for everyone? How many employees are there in total?” asked Nair.

“There is an individual program for every child. In general, we have more than 30 employees, taking into account the technical staff, 13 teachers, specialists, in addition 4 more educators, 4 assistant educators,” Chekhovskaya replied.

The development of children according to the Montessori Method implies the creation of a special environment where the teacher only observes the child, without interfering in the learning process itself. This technique allows children to explore the world around them on their own.

“We've got all the necessary equipment in Montessori room to provide a complete correctional assistance to the children who attend our rehabilitation center.  We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to Biju Nair, CEO of ArcelorMittal Temirtau company,” Chekhovskaya said.

The surprises for the children didn't end there. ArcelorMittal Temirtau representatives met with the kids of the Children for Life Foundation, which helps children with cancer. The company gifted them new warm blankets.