Referendum public awareness campaign nears completion

Referendum public awareness campaign nears completion

The public awareness campaign for the referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan is nearing completion, as noted by Kazakh State Counsellor Erlan Karin on his Telegram account. According to him, this is probably the longest campaign in the political history of modern Kazakhstan lasting 400 days. During this time, the people had an opportunity to form a well-considered opinion.

«It is also worth noting that during this campaign, for the first time, the country's public forces consolidated for economic rather than political reasons. At the initiative of the Amanat party, six political parties and over 20 public organizations established the People's Headquarters for the Construction of the NPP. Its members held meetings with residents from all regions, with the participation of leading experts and specialists in the energy sector,» said Kazakhstan’s State Counsellor Erlan Karin.