Ashyq app welcomes tourists

Tourism destinations of Akmola region begun working with the Ashyq application. For example, nearly 50 business entities are connected to it at the Burabai resort. 

“We do not require a vaccination passport. We check in hotel guests using the Ashyq app that shows all the data. Moreover, we measure temperature, write it down and check in,” said a hotel manager Dina Gamolko.

Other resorts of the region also receive guests after this checking procedure through the mobile app. The industry experts noted that such measure is essential for overall safety and prevention of the coronavirus spread. Several benefits are provided to those entrepreneurs who use the Ashyq app. Among them are extended working hours and the right to receive vacationers even on weekends. Those entities that do not participate in the project have to comply with the restrictions of a sanitary doctor.

“If a person does not have the application for scanning a QR code, entities that are involved in the Ashyq project assign themselves a security guard mode. That is, this program allows manually entering the person’s individual identification number or directly scanning his or her barcode and seeing the guest’s status,” said Yerkanat Musulmanbek, Branch Manager of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Burabai District, Akmola Region.

Currently, about 300 entities are using the digital product in the region. The app is used by 17 organizations in test mode, another 62 applications for obtaining a QR code are under consideration.

Translation by Saniya Sakenova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova