WOAH experts set to collaborate with Kazakhstan in advancing veterinary services

WOAH experts set to collaborate with Kazakhstan in advancing veterinary services

The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) is set to cooperate with Kazakhstan in the training of veterinary professionals. One example is the training of rural veterinary paramedics in accordance with international standards through partnerships with global specialized laboratories. This was announced by representative of the organization Dmitry Morozov during a Senate meeting focused on issues related to the development of agricultural science. He noted that as part of a special program, there are plans to carry out work on reforming the curriculum in both agricultural universities and vocational education institutions in the country. Additionally, the organization supports Kazakhstan’s steps in reforming and enhancing the veterinary industry, particularly in the creation of a unified regulatory body.

“This body will be named either a veterinary chamber or a veterinary council. The project aims to focus on veterinary education, qualification improvement, and the employment of graduates. An assessment of the required number of veterinarians and paramedics for a specific state will also be conducted. Special tools for this purpose have been developed and are now being tested in the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia,” said Dmitry Morozov, WOAH Regional Project Officer on Veterinary Workforce Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Agricultural science development discussed during Senate session

The WOAH representative also proposed some recommendations. According to him, to train modern veterinary professionals, it is necessary to enhance mutual coordination between the Kazakh Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture. Meanwhile, there are plans to introduce a new model for the development of agricultural science based on the ‘personnel training - scientific research - production’ principle, as noted by Kazakh Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov. It will be focused on domestic research universities and the establishment of an Agrotechnological Hub.