Winners of «Kazakhstan through the Eyes of Foreign Media» contest announced

The winners of the ninth annual «Kazakhstan through the Eyes of Foreign Media» contest were announced during the award ceremony at the country’s Foreign Ministry in Astana. Top awards were given to journalists from Azerbaijan, Brazil, Egypt, Spain, Italy, the Kyrgyz Republic, Russia, and Japan.

«We represent the Brazilian Association of Journalists in international relations and we are delighted at the victory. For us, this is not only international recognition but also a testament to our adherence to the principles and ethics of our Association. Kazakhstan and Brazil have close bilateral relations that are developing day by day, strengthening our foreign trade and diplomatic ties. I would like to express our gratitude for the invitation to participate in the fifth World Nomad Games held in the country,» said journalist from Brazil Milton Atanazio.

 «It's the second time in this country and I think Kazakhstan is a country with a lot of beautiful contrast, mountains, greens, canyons. I think I want to stay for a long time here.  Thank you very much for this award, I am very happy,» shared journalist from Italy Daniela Bricca.

 Over 80 media representatives and influencers from 30 countries submitted applications for the contest. Their pieces covered a wide range of topics, including Kazakhstan’s history, culture, education, tourism, national cuisine, as well as investment potential and international relations. The jury selected the top eight works across eight categories.

«That’s my third time I visit Kazakhstan. I’m so happy and I’m so proud, because I am a winner in Africa and medalist in Arab country. Every day I publish many articles about Kazakhstan. And the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Egypt published this link on the official Facebook page. And I hope Kazakhstan will succeed in the World Nomad Games,» noted journalist from Egypt Fatma Badawy.

The contest winners were traditionally awarded a trip to Kazakhstan, including visits to Astana and other popular tourist destinations such as Almaty and the Mangystau region. They were also invited to attend the fifth World Nomad Games.