Kazakhstan moves up in UN E-Government Development Index

Kazakhstan has climbed to 24th place out of 193 in the UN E-Government Development Index (EGDI), moving up four positions since the previous report. According to the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, Zhaslan Madiyev, this is one of the best indicators of the country in the history of its participation in the ranking by the authoritative international organization. Kazakhstan has surpassed countries such as Switzerland and Türkiye in the rankings and continues to lead among the CIS countries, ahead of Russia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan.

«This indicator shows the country’s high level of digital governance and steady progress towards complete digitalization of public services. Today, over 90 percent of public services are available in an online format. Therefore, I would like to note that the ranking has recognized this achievement. It evaluates three key aspects, including the development of e-services or services in an online format, human development, and the development of telecommunication infrastructure. The country has significantly advanced in all these areassaid Zhaslan Madiyev, Kazakh Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.

The report also notes that Kazakhstan has made significant progress in digital transformation by actively investing in infrastructure and implementing advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. These mechanisms have fundamentally changed the management and delivery of public services, making them more accessible and transparent, including through solutions such as the e-license portal and Smart Data Ukimet information and analytical system. Kazakhstan is set to keep moving forward by further developing e-government, including through AI features.

«This will allow to provide users not only with assistance in accessing various public services but also with basic consultative support for life situations. To date, we are developing such proactive public services for over 150 life situations that we have identified. Plans include setting up and engineering these processes for intuitive interaction, where the system automatically offers recommendations and tips. For example, the proactive public service will notify users about the need to renew expiring documents, so they do not have to monitor expiration dates themselves. We aim to set up the system to provide reminders automatically and in advanceMadiyev added.