Two million Kazakh schoolchildren simultaneously perform famous kui songs

nationwide dombyra challengededicated to thecelebration of equinoxrenewaland kindnesstookplace in Kazakh schools and vocational education institutionsRenowned kui songs by Kazakhcomposersincluding Balbyrauyn,’ ‘Adai,’ and ‘Saryarka, were simultaneously performed by over127,000 people.


Organizers highlighted that such initiatives help instill patriotism among young Kazakh citizens as well as preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of the nation.


“The Kazakh folk wisdom says: ‘Kazakh personfinds his true self through playing the dombyraOf course, there are many Kazakh traditionalinstruments, including kobyzshan-kobyzzhetigenand othersHoweverthe dombyra holds immensesignificance for the Kazakh peopleThis instrumenthas been passed down to us by great composerssuch as KurmangazyTattimbetand DauletkereiEveryone should know how to play itincludingchildrenwho help promote our culture and art byplaying the dombyra abroad,” said school principalFarkhad Sabiyev.


My older sister plays the dombyra excellently. I got attracted to the instrument and decided to learnit too,” a young dombyra player said.


“I learned to play the dombyra when I was inelementary schoolToday, I am participating in thechallenge along with 350 children. I am really excited about it,” shared another player.