Every 25th graduate in Kazakhstan receives Altyn Belgi badge

Every 25th graduate in Kazakhstan receives Altyn Belgi badge

This year, 186,000 students graduated from the 11th grade in Kazakhstan. Over 7,400 of them, which is every 25th graduate, were awarded the Altyn Belgi badge. According to the Kazakh Ministry of Education, more than 13,000 graduates received a general secondary education certificate with honors. It bears noting that the Altyn Belgi award is given for excellent studies in all subjects from fifth to 11th grade.

«In accordance with the current rules of the Law on Education in Kazakhstan, when distributing educational grants for entering universities, preference is given to candidates with the Atyn belgi badge and certificates with honors, as well as winners of international and national olympiads, in case of equal scores. Thus, these individuals will receive grants to study in Kazakh universities,» said Sara Yerisheva, chief expert at the Secondary Education Committee of the Kazakh Ministry of Education.

Meanwhile, the Kazakh Ministry of Science and Higher Education has provided intermediate results of the high school graduation examination that has been taken 164,000 times since its inception. Thus, 74 percent of applicants took it in Kazakh, 26 percent in Russian, while 115 graduates in English. Overall, 76 percent of participants achieved a passing score.