Turkmen capital hosts exhibition of decorative and applied arts

An exhibition titled «The Harmony of Contemporary Artworks» is currently on display at the State Museum of Turkmenistan, celebrating the 300th anniversary of Makhtumkuli Fragi, a prominent poet and philosopher who significantly influenced the country’s culture. It showcases the rich heritage, history, and traditions of the country featuring paintings, sculptures, jewelry, handicrafts, and intricate carvings. A distinctive aspect of this exhibition is that all the pieces are the creative endeavors of museum staff, reflecting a modern perspective on art. The international organization TURKSOY has declared 2024 as the Year of Makhtumkuli Fragi, and his anniversary has been included in the List of significant dates for joint celebration with UNESCO.

«When I was asked if I wanted to try sewing a piece for the exhibition, of course I agreed. I found it very interesting. Creating patterns on the sleeves took me a lot of time, as there are many more of them than on other parts of the costume. They differ not only in color and size, but also in their location. This is the first time I have created such ancient patterns,» said Ogulshirin Dzheparova, specialist at the museum of Turkmenistan’s State Cultural Center.

«Working on the painting took me a year. I depicted a little girl to represent our younger generation living in a pure and bright world. I am very pleased that today my work can also bring joy to our visitors,» added Gurbanmuhammet Bayramov, senior specialist at the museum of Turkmenistan’s State Cultural Center.