Abai Center for Kazakh Language and Culture opens in Tatarstan

The Abai Center for Kazakh Language and Culture has been unveiled at Kazan Federal University in Tatarstan. It aims to implement joint educational programs, promote the Kazakh language and culture, and facilitate the exchange of experience in training specialists. Visitors are offered to learn about the life and works of the great poet, as well as the research conducted by renowned Abai scholars. Experts believe that the remarkable legacy of the founder of Kazakh written literature should be translated into the world languages. Additionally, traditional Abai readings are planned to be held in Tatarstan in the future.

“The idea to open the Abai Center at Kazan Federal University emerged 10 years ago. In 2014, we opened our center, the Center of the Kayyum Nasiri Institute, at Gumilyov Eurasian National University in Astana. At that time, we had the idea to open a similar center, the Abai Center, in our university. There are dozens of Abai Centers around the world, promoting Kazakh culture and language. So, we wanted to open such center at Kazan Federal University as well,” said Alfiya Yusupova, professor, director of the Kayyum Nasiri Institute.

 “Kazakh literary works and folklore are being translated into the Tatar language. This significantly contributes to the rapprochement of the two related cultures. In 2022, we translated three works by the distinguished Kazakh writer, scientist, and academician Mukhtar Auezov,” noted Gulfiya Gainullina, associate professor at Kazan Federal University.