Premiere night held on Astana Ballet stage

Residents and guests of the Kazakh capital enjoyed a double premiere on the stage of the Astana Ballet Theatre last weekend. A neoclassical ballet ‘Soli Deo Gloria’ staged by Ainur Abilgazina to music by Gustav Mahler and hypnotic performance ‘Nine’ choreographed by Olzhas Makhanbetaliyev to music by Lisa Gerrard were presented to the audience. A harmonious fusion of the author's choreography, classical music, and unique scenography enables spectators to receive aesthetic pleasure. According to Ainur Abilgazina, her ballet production reveals feelings and emotions of the main character, who breaks the threads connecting with the earthly incarnation. However, the main idea of the plot is different, the choreographer says.

“This ballet is not about death or anything sad. The play begins with the female lead entering the place where souls meet for the first time after leaving, namely after death. That is where we meet our loved ones who have left us. However, no one meets the girl there, and she starts wandering among those souls, looking for her close people and friends. Before going upward to the next entrance, she was taking one final look at her life and her first love,” said Ainur Abilgazina, the choreographer.

A ballet production ‘Nine’ choreographed by Olzhas Makhanbetaliyev presents a unique fusion of several dance styles. The choreographer addresses a philosophical theme, his ballet is about the path of life and search for destiny.

“I consider these two ballet productions to be very successful, since they are completely new and original. Both of them are staged by young choreographers of the Astana Ballet Theatre, whom we always try to support and give an opportunity to stage new ballet performances at our theater. In this 10th anniversary season, we have given young choreographers the chance to stage plays. Also, the winners of the competition, named ‘Ashyk sakhna’, which means ‘Open stage’, will present their production ‘Zheti kazyna’, meaning ‘Seven Treasures’ in Kazakh, on May 1,” said Nurlan Kanetov, Astana Ballet theater’s artistic director.