Autograph sessions with popular writers, master classes from famous illustrators, acquaintance with the work of young poets. An open-air book fair-exhibition KitapTime was opened in capital. Collection of works presented here includes the collections published by domestic publishing houses, as well as the works of various diplomatic missions. Among the exclusive exhibits are relics from the collection of National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books. Special attention is paid to young readers. In honor of the children`s year, creative laboratories were organized here for them.
“Our goal is to form a reading nation. We want to tell the young readers, the younger generation, about the strength and power of knowledge that book gives the reader. That is why, we hold such a large-scale event. As you have noticed, for example, there are a lot of different fairs, mostly food fairs in autumn. Such kind of book fairs is organized rarely. And, we decided to take this work into our own hands, promote it actively,” Nurzhan Zholdybalinov, Acting Director of the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan, said.