Lotus valley blooming attracts tourists to Atyrau region

Lotus valley blooming attracts tourists to Atyrau region

The lotus flowering season has begun in the Atyrau region, attracting hundreds of tourists, including foreign travelers, who come to witness the mesmerizing spectacle. They can admire the extraordinary beauty of the red-listed flower until the end of August. The lotus is considered a symbol of purity, health, and good luck. Its uniqueness lies in the waxy coating on its leaves and flowers, which repels water and shields the plant from dirt and dust. Notably, the lotus valley is listed in the Red Data Book as a protected natural area.

«I’m arriving at the end of July for the lotus blooming. It is incredible to walk not just among flowers but in a forest of lotuses. So, I try to promote this place to the whole of Kazakhstan,» said tourist Assel Kubasheva.

«As the region’s popularity grows, so does the number of tourists. Mostly, they come from western parts, such as Atyrau, Oral, Aktau, as well as from Almaty and Astana,» said Kaisar Makhsutov, Governor of the Teniz rural district of the Kurmangazy district of the Atyrau region.