Kazakhstan presents International Centre for Rapprochement of Cultures in Paris

Kazakhstan presents International Centre for Rapprochement of Cultures in Paris

Kazakhstan presented the International Centre for the Rapprochement of Cultures at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. As the attendees said, its establishment was based on Kazakhstan’s experience as a multinational and multi-religious peaceful country. The centre works on scientific issues of the origin of cultures, civilizations and their interaction. According to UNESCO, this activity will help to find the ways to strengthen international security and social integration. It was also noted that Kazakhstan’s unique experience in interethnic harmony may be useful to learn and share.

“The cause of all conflicts in the world, which led to wars and all, is often overlooked. Science fell woefully behind in this regard. Historical science should have figured out why the cultures had diverged and when it had happened,” pointed out Olzhas Suleimenov, Director of the International Centre for Rapprochement of Cultures.

“While sharing these cultural codes, or as I call it – cultural DNA, spiritual DNA – we preserve our identity. We do not lose it, but enrich it. This is very important. I think that Kazakhstan, by virtue of history, serves as an example of cooperation of not only ethnicities, but also languages and cultures for everyone. Besides that, human relationship is worth a lot,” filmmaker Rashid Nugmanov said.