Kazakhstan patents kurt with berries and kymyz with pumpkin extract

In Kazakhstan, products related to national culture, such as kurt with berries and kymyz with pumpkin extract, have started receiving licenses more frequently. These licenses primarily cover new production technologies and product compositions rather than traditional methods or products. According to the Kazakh Ministry of Justice, patents have also been granted for the manufacturing methods of the dombyra, kobyz, zhetigen, shankobyz, besik, and yurts. Kymyz, shubat, saumal, kozhe, tea with tary (millet), and airan are among patented beverages and foods. This list also includes irimshik, cottage cheese, zhent, and talqan. Currently, 15 applications for registering products as geographical indications are under review.

«Producers have already submitted their applications, which are now being processed. In the future, they may be registered as geographical indications in Kazakhstan. To date, only six geographical names have been officially registered, including Turkistan ice cream, Turkistan chocolate, Karagandy ice cream, Georgian chacha, Almaty Aport apples, and Sairam cake,» said Talgat Uali, spokesperson for the Kazakh Ministry of Justice.