Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan to jointly address water issues

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan to jointly address water issues

Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are set to strengthen cooperation on water resources management, including at the inter-parliamentary level. To this end, the MPs of the countries will form a bilateral working group. Senate Speaker Maulen Ashimbayev and Chairperson of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurlanbek Shakiyev discussed prospects for expanding partnership between the countries at a meeting during an official visit of Shakiyev to Astana. The meeting agenda included issues related to strengthening interregional cooperation, boosting trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties between the countries. Ashimbayev emphasized that Kyrgyzstan is one of Kazakhstan’s key partners in Central Asia. Over 30 years of established diplomatic relations, the countries have formed a solid legal framework, which covers more than 150 treaties and agreements in various spheres. In turn, Shakiyev praised the significance of the economic and political reforms taking place in Kazakhstan as well as noted the importance of developing relations between the two states.