Kazakhstan enhances flight safety training for aviation staff

Kazakhstan enhances flight safety training for aviation staff

Kazakh pilots and flight attendants are acquiring practical skills in passenger evacuation in case of an aircraft emergency and fires using new simulators that comply with international flight safety standards. Notably, the flight training center of the national airline has been equipped with unique facilities. During the training, flight and cabin crew are instructed to follow recommendations for a specially simulated scenario of various emergencies that could occur during a flight. The training program spans a month and a half. Previously, employees of the national air carrier had to undergo such courses abroad every three years. Now the flight training center is ready to provide this training for national and other airlines.

«The quality of training has always been and remains high. The only difference is that now we have our own simulators. The one behind me is actually a former operational aircraft that was retired from service. It ceased flying at a certain point and was converted into a simulator. We are open to collaboration requests from airlines or other civil aviation organizations within Kazakhstan and other countries, and we have already started receiving them,» said Damir Turganov, senior manager of the cabin and ground services safety training at Kazakhstan’s air carrier.