Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia establish unified company for cargo transportation

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia establish unified company for cargo transportation

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are joining forces to establish a unified company for transporting goods along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route. It will facilitate the transportation between Europe and China at unified tariffs. Currently, the parties are considering ways to streamline all processes, including administrative procedures. Additionally, common transportation rules are being developed to enhance service quality and reduce delivery times along the corridor.

“The decision was made to register the company in the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC). This company will offer a unified tariff for cargo transshipment, which will remain in effect for five years and ensure the timely passage of goods through the corridor. In the early stages of corridor development, delivery times extended up to 50 days, but they have now been reduced to 18 to 20 days, with the goal of further decreasing them to 15 days,” said Marat Karabayev, Kazakh Minister of Transport.

It bears noting that the demand for the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route is growing. Thus, there has been a twofold increase in freight traffic through the territory of Kazakhstan over the past two years. Last year, around 1.6 million tonnes of cargo were transported along the corridor from the Aktau and Kuryk ports. This year, there are plans to further increase this figure to 3.5 million tonnes.