Kazakh schoolchildren win 465 medals at international Olympiads this academic year

Kazakh schoolchildren win 465 medals at international Olympiads this academic year

Kazakh school students won 465 medals in the most prestigious subject Olympiads during the 2023-2024 academic year. The national team participated in 25 international competitions and science project contests. From September to August, students earned 56 gold, 167 silver, and 242 bronze medals. Kazakh schoolchildren demonstrated their knowledge in natural and mathematical sciences, social sciences and humanities, as well as in linguistics, economics, and philosophy.

«As of today, training camps are being conducted with the involvement of both domestic and foreign specialists. Our national teams in geography and computer science will participate in the Olympiads scheduled for the end of August and early September. We hope that our students will achieve excellent, brilliant results,» said Aigul Karkulova, Deputy Director of the Daryn National Scientific and Practical Center.

In order to enhance the preparation of our students for international competitions, there are plans to create an association of coaches who have themselves won prizes at international Olympiads. Additionally, special attention will be given to organizing intensive training camps both domestically and abroad.