Kazakh Mazhilis summarizes results of second parliamentary session

Kazakh Mazhilis summarizes results of second parliamentary session

The Mazhilis, a Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament, has concluded the second session of its eighth convocation. During this period, the Mazhilis members passed 100 laws, with every third law being initiated by them. These include the Constitutional Law on the Judicial System, as well as laws on ensuring women’s rights and children’s safety, the National Fund for Children, subsoil use, and mass media. Throughout the current session, over 300 issues were deliberated, and more than 500 parliamentary inquiries were submitted. MPs also met with nearly 2,500 citizens.

«The parliamentary session is coming to a close. There will be a two-month break only in law-making activities. MPs are looking forward to trips to the regions and meetings with the population. The Head of State emphasized the importance of this work. This presents a great opportunity to learn about the aspirations of our citizens. These actions will have a positive impact on the next session, serving as the foundation for new legislative initiatives and parliamentary inquiries,» Mazhilis Chairperson Yerlan Koshanov said.