734,000 Kazakh residents employed since start of 2023

734,000 Kazakh residents employed since start of 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, Kazakh citizens have been provided with more than 5,000 state grants and 4,700 preferential microloans to support their entrepreneurial initiatives. Kazakh Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Population Svetlana Zhakupova reported on employment in the country at the government meeting. According to her, 734,000 citizens have been employed for nine months, with half of them being young people under the age of 35. Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov reiterated the task set by Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to employ about one million people by the year-end.

“In the remaining 2.5 months, all planned indicators should be achieved. Each region is implementing its own employment plans. They take into account the specifics of the labor market and, accordingly, differentiate state support measures. The local authorities should involve young people more actively in labor activities,” said Smailov.

To date, specialists are in demand in sectors, including energy, oil and gas industry, food industry, agriculture, transport and logistics, as well as the IT sphere, as noted at the government meeting. Alikhan Smailov instructed the relevant ministry to take this into account in the future when forming a list of state grants noting that it is necessary to solve employment issues not only as part of state support but also through public-private partnership projects and private investors.