Heritage of Zhoshy Ulus discussed by scientists at Astana conference

Heritage of Zhoshy Ulus discussed by scientists at Astana conference

An international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the Zhoshy Ulus was held in Astana. For decades, domestic scholars have been studying the history of the powerful empire, which played a significant role in the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Foreign specialists are also contributing to this research. Among them is Ilnur Mirgaleev, the head of the Center for Research on the Golden Horde in Tatarstan, who believes that Kazakh researchers should concentrate on the ancient Turkic period for a deeper understanding of the development of Kazakh statehood. Another expert is a Canadian university lecturer Joo-Yup Lee who studies the identities of Turkic-speaking peoples and shares all the data he collects with his Kazakh colleagues.

«The Golden Horde, or the Zhoshy Ulus, was initially established as a separate ulus of Genghis Khan’s Mongol Empire. Therefore, its path to independence was gradual, unfolding in several stages. We can highlight the period starting from 1207, when Genghis Khan granted separate territories to his eldest son, Zhoshy. It is crucial to rely on the history of statehood and become a civil nation and a state,» said Mirgaleev.

«The conclusion of my paper is that the modern Kazakhs inherited the Chingizid identity. I had to study a lot of languages, Chagatai Turkic, Ottoman Turkish, Mongolian,» said Joo-Yup Lee, lecturer at the University of Toronto in Canada.