Astana Ballet to stage love poem

Good and evil, betrayal and devotion, love and hate - these inseparable notions and feelings have always attracted the attention of spectators. The popular love poem ‘Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu’ tells about the eternal confrontations of these feelings. For the first time, this love story will be staged by Astana Ballet’s choreographer Georgy Kovtun with the participation of the theatre’s leading soloists. They said that preparation for the premiere has been going on for over a month, and the script was written especially for the theatre’s dancers. This performance combines the best traditions of classical and modern ballet, but at the same time it includes the acrobatic elements and characteristic moves of Kazakh folk dance, the performers said.

“I’m playing the role of Bayan Sulu. For me as an actress, it is interesting to try out a new role. Finding some new features, discovering myself in a new way. I mean, it’s a daily job. And of course the whole theater is now actively preparing for the premiere, and we’re all working at the same rhythm. Scenic designers and decorators work simultaneously, costumes are being sewn, and the artists are rehearsing. I mean, such a global two-act performance is staged in such a short period of time. The show is very large-scale and complex in terms of choreography. We are now in the final stages. We are already moving towards the completion of all the parts. In the beginning, each part was being prepared separately, but now it’s all coming together into one big performance,” said Ainur Abilgazina, leading soloist, Astana Ballet.

The two-act performance dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence will be presented to the residents and guests of Nur-Sultan on July 2 and 3.

Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova