Experts on new cooperation prospects of OTS countries

Economic ties and cultural dialogue are the focus of cooperation among the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) member and observer countries. Experts say this approach is taken at the appropriate time, given the increasing globalization and geopolitical tension in the world. The integration of the countries of the Turkic world in various fields opens up new opportunities for development, particularly in such strategic sectors as energy, security, logistics and transit, they noted.

“The trade turnover between the OTS countries has increased by about 20 percent over the past few years. This shows that the member states have started intensifying economic cooperation and launching new transport corridors and projects on cargo transport after the pandemic. Of course, the development of relations depends on the activity of the key players such as Turkey. In 2024, it will be interesting to observe the unfolding of events, as the OTS chairmanship will be transferred to Kazakhstan,” said political scientist Dina Aikenova.