Experts highlight importance of 25 agreements signed at SCO Summit

Experts highlight importance of 25 agreements signed at SCO Summit

At the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Astana, the heads of state signed 25 agreements to develop key sectors. These documents cover a wide range of issues, including ecology, logistics, and tourism. Experts particularly highlight a set of documents aimed at strengthening the fight of the Shanghai Ten countries against the three evils. It is noteworthy that each agreement is significant for the overall well-being and prosperity of the member countries. As part of the Economic Development Strategy for the SCO Region until 2030, a plan for special measures has been approved. Additionally, the countries have reached a unanimous decision on mechanisms for financial support for project activities. Each document signed by the heads of state signifies a unified approach to crucial aspects of future cooperation, embodying the collective Shanghai Spirit.

«Many agreements were signed on the economic development of the SCO, including boosting trade in national currencies within the Organization, which is now one of the most pressing issues. It is now clear that there is a need to establish a new financial architecture within the SCO, primarily to provide tools and mechanisms enabling the SCO member states to safely build a new framework within Eurasia,» said Yersultan Zhanseitov, expert at the Institute of World Economics and Politics.