Expert opinion: Multi-party system develops in Kazakhstan

Expert opinion: Multi-party system develops in Kazakhstan

A mixed electoral system gives an impetus to the development of a multi-party system in the country. According to domestic experts, the number of parties in the Kazakh Parliament could increase at least twofold. There are also candidates who have entered the political race through single-member territorial constituencies, which will contribute to greater competition as well.

“Political parties will have to actively show their policy stance in the country’s Parliament, and protect the interests of the population, and so will MPs who will pass through single-mandate constituencies. These people have their own specific expert opinion and ideas to present at the Parliament. It means that numerous discussions and debates will be held, since it is known that truth is born in disputes. Therefore, there will be qualitative laws,” said Amina Urpekova, Spokesperson for the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies.

In addition, the candidates in this election were different from previous ones. The new Parliament will have to fulfill its promises and move to concrete actions. Otherwise, the mandate will have to be returned. Those who will work for the benefit of the people and the country will remain in the political arena. Therefore, experts say, the results of the modernized system can truly be seen very soon.

“These snap legislative elections are the result of reforms carried out in the country throughout the year, turning into a new stage of development. The names of the new MPs will soon become known, and a new government will be formed. We will see the results of a new political system based on the amended Constitution, as well as the efficiency of the work carried out by the Mazhilis and MPs of the new convocation in a year,” noted Yermek Toktarov, Spokesperson for the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies.