Culture Days of Kazakhstan held in Uzbekistan

Culture Days of Kazakhstan held in Uzbekistan

Kazakh Culture Days were held in Uzbekistan. A series of solemn events concluded with a performance of the Abai opera, presented by the Abai Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater on the stage of the Navoi Uzbekistan State Academic Bolshoi Theatre. The four-day cultural program took place in several metropolises of the neighboring country. It also included screenings of movies by Kazakh filmmakers and gala concerts featuring popular Kazakh singers. As part of his working trip to Uzbekistan, Kazakh Minister of Culture and Sports Askhat Oralov also visited several historical and cultural monuments in Tashkent, including the Tole Bi Mausoleum and Khast-Imam Mosque. Additionally, Oralov held a bilateral meeting with the Uzbek Minister of Culture and Tourism to discuss further cooperation in the fields of culture and tourism.

“This year's events are all different from previous ones. In the past, they were usually held only in the capitals. However, this time, we decided to change this tradition and organize events in the regions as well. For example, Qazaqconcert arranged a grand event in Samarkand yesterday. Prior to that, two concerts were held at the Turkiston Palace in Tashkent,” Uzbek Minister of Culture and Tourism Ozodbek Nazarbekov said.

The two ministers agreed on the co-production of films, the distribution of Kazakh movies in Uzbekistan, and the facilitation of unrestricted passage for charter tour buses at land border crossings. It was also proposed to include the cities of Taraz, Turkistan, and Aktau in the ‘One Tour - One Region’ program developed jointly with other Central Asian countries.

“The spheres of culture, art, sports, and tourism serve as a connecting bridge between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Our peoples share common roots and cultures. I would like to note that our main goal is to enhance the friendship and cooperation between our two countries. We will strive to ensure that such events become a good tradition,” Oralov said.