Commission meeting on introducing digitalization issues held in Kazakh government

Commission meeting on introducing digitalization issues held in Kazakh government

New electronic platforms were discussed at the commission meeting on digitalization in the Government. Thus, the Unified State Subsidy Information System, providing free subsidies to all farmers, has been launched in the country since the start of the year. Savings have already amounted to over one billion tenge. In order to ensure transparency, a single register of applications with the assignment of priorities was introduced, and the public budget function was also launched in the context of regions and subsidies. Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov instructed the country’s Ministry of Agriculture to improve the platform’s functionality, and the regional governor’s offices to ensure timely payment of subsidies, as well as to digitize the fields by year-end in cooperation with farmers. Another essential digital platform, namely the Unified Platform of Subsoil Users, has been launched in Kazakhstan. It is aimed to simplify and speed up the process of issuing exploration or mining licenses by automating government functions. The platform enables potential investors to get detailed information on the requested land plot. There are plans to digitize, upload geological data and reports, and update other information. In addition, the meeting agenda included the issue of creating a national data bank on the state of the environment and natural resources. The platform is expected to provide real-time collection and analysis of a variety of environmental information. It is scheduled to be launched in December.