China to provide grants to Kazakhstan for space industry development

China is set to provide Kazakhstan with non-repayable grants for the development of the aerospace industry. The parties have signed a memorandum of cooperation in this area. Under the new agreement, China will allocate 100 million yuan for the advancement of technologies in the Kazakh space industry. These funds will be directed towards the modernization of the infrastructure of the domestic research institutes. Moreover, joint projects in the fields of astrophysics and the ionosphere are slated for implementation. Intergovernmental cooperation also includes the exchange of knowledge and production experience. The grants will be distributed on a competitive basis.

«We have an agreement and several lists of specific projects that need to undergo selection according to regulations. Initially, we will specify our requirements. Then, together with the Chinese side, we will select several projects from these lists. Following this, a competition will be held among Chinese manufacturing and scientific companies. The winners will share their knowledge and technology with us,» said Baubek Oralmagambetov, Chairman of the Aerospace Committee at the Kazakh Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.