Subsoil monitoring platform developed in Kazakhstan

Subsoil monitoring platform developed in Kazakhstan

The subsoil monitoring platform has been developed in Kazakhstan. website provides data on the distribution of license blocks and allows monitoring the activities of subsoil users. Investors can also obtain complete information on the requested subsoil block, from adjacent infrastructure to previous geological and geophysical e-reports. The launch of the service is scheduled for May 2023. The Kazakh Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry build this subsoil monitoring website together with the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development and the Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary National Company. Proposals for improving and developing the website are currently being collected. In the future, new functions will be elaborated to monitor the license and contract terms fulfilled by subsoil users.

“Presently, the platform enables subsoil users and investors to choose subsoil blocks, either prohibited or permitted, where they can carry out any geological exploration in accordance with the law. The service allows studying geological reports, the number of which has already exceeded 30,000. This year, we are planning to upload more than 20,000 additional reports any user can view and download online. Thus, the platform allows to automatically obtain a licence for either exploration or extraction online in a completely transparent manner. In the future, it is planned to further develop business processes according to Kazakhstan’s Code on Subsoil and Subsoil Use,” said Kuandyk Shulenbayev, Deputy Chairperson of the ‘Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary’ National Company.