Social program “Ansagan sabi” starts in Kazakhstan

A social program “Ansagan sabi” has started in Kazakhstan. The number of allocated quotas increased almost seven times as part of the program this year. 7,000 families will be able to find the long-awaited happiness and become parents. The IVF procedure for them will be carried out at the expense of the state.

According to the World Health Organization, this reproductive technology results in pregnancy in 45 to 60 percent of cases.

The efficiency of IVF on average grew from 15% to 42% in Kazakhstan. The indicator of the effectiveness of treatment after the birth of a child (take baby home) is at the level of 30%, which corresponds to the indicator of the best European clinics.

The main condition for the procedure is infertility unamenable to therapeutic correction. Moreover, both married couples and ones that have not legalized their relationship can apply for IVF. In the latter case, informed voluntary written mutual consent is required. To date, 11,030 women are registered with infertility in the country.