Kazakhstan gives approximate revaccination schedule

Pfizer vaccine will be available in Kazakhstan only for children and pregnant women at the first phase, said Kazakh Minister of Health Alexey Tsoy today. The head of the relevant department noted that the antiviral medicine will appear in Kazakhstan only in early October. So far, Alexey Tsoy advises not to waste time and get vaccinated with vaccines currently available in the country.

“Another vaccine from the People’s Republic of China will be available literally within a week. It was approved by the World Health Organization and, in general, is recognized by the WHO. So it will be possible to receive this vaccine too,” Tsoy said.

Also, Kazakh Health Minister pointed out the approximate time of revaccination. He said that at least nine months should pass from the moment of receiving the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Thus, the minister believes, Kazakh residents can get vaccinated again from early October.

“In general, people in Kazakhstan began getting vaccinated a little later, from February. The majority was vaccinated somewhere between June and July, so, our antibodies are fresh, the level is high. Therefore, probably, approximately nine months after receiving the second dose, it will be included in our calendar,” the minister concluded.


Translation by Saniya Sakenova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova