President Tokayev assigns objectives to Agriculture Minister

Today, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev instructed Agriculture Minister Aidarbek Saparov to bring the agricultural sector to new frontiers of development within five years. This includes doubling the industry’s gross output, implementing structural and institutional reforms to enhance government support system, diversifying cultivated areas, and advancing scientific development. Saparov informed Tokayev about the performance indicators of the agro-industrial complex over the last 10 months.

“I briefed the President on the results of the harvesting campaign, the difficulties farmers faced and the challenging conditions they navigated this year. I highlighted the government’s support measures as well. I also reported on the plans for agricultural development and the accomplishment of the tasks enshrined in the Concept for the development of the agro-industrial complex until 2030. President Tokayev assigned specific tasks for the ministry, and we will work to fulfill the instructions he gave,” Saparov said.