Preparation for 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynuly

Preparation for 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynuly

Preparations for the celebration of Akhmet Baitursynuly’s 150th birth anniversary are in full swing in Kazakhstan. The anniversary date is planned to be celebrated on a grand scale in the Kostanai region. Thus, the main part of the events will take place in the small homeland of the politician. A monument dedicated to him and another well-known Alash member Mirzhakyp Dulatuly will be opened in the Akkol village.

“September 5 will mark the 150th anniversary of the great Kazakh figure Akhmet Baitursynuly. In this connection, we are now setting up a memorial building, which will become a burial place for 12 famous personalities. There will be nameplates and one of them will belong to Akhmet Baitursynuly,” said tourist complex idea author Sapar Iskakov.

Particular attention is paid to the study of Baitursynuly’s biography. A special expedition was organized for this purpose. Scientists and historians will visit several regions of Kazakhstan, Russia and Azerbaijan, where they will study the archives, as well as visit the schools and editorial offices where the Alash member studied and worked. The project will result in a documentary film.

“We will report on new materials and collected data at the meeting in the Ybyrai Altynsarin School. This is symbolic, since it was this school where Akhmet Baitursynuly used to teach Kazakh in a pedagogical class. In our works, we want to place special emphasis on Kostanai chapter of Baitursynuly’s life,” said expedition leader Almas Absadyk.

One of the main events will be the opening of the house-museum. For this purpose, a new building was built on the site where Baitursynuly supposedly lived. It will be filled with real historical exhibits.