Over 30 historical and cultural heritage sites restored in Kazakhstan in 2022

Over 30 sites of historical and cultural heritage have been restored in Kazakhstan in 2022 as part of the preservation of the most valuable architectural monuments. The restored sites date from the Bronze Age to the late 19th century. One of them is the Altynasar settlement, which is currently under preparation for inscription on UNESCO's World Heritage List. This fortress is a major site of Zhetiasar culture. Work has already been done to strengthen the foundation of the ancient walls and to reconstruct portions of the palace on the site of the ancient remains.

“Scientific and restoration work was carried out at 17 significant historical and cultural monuments in 2022. The list includes the historical sites located on the territory of the Azret Sultan state historical and cultural reserve museum, the Otyrar settlement, the Zharkent mosque, the Botai settlement, the historical sites of the Khan's Headquarters of the Bokei Horde, the house-museum of Akhmet Baitursynuly, Beket-ata Underground Mosque, the Sauran architectural and archaeological complex, the residence of Abylai Khan and others,” said Kumis Seitova, Spokesperson for the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Sports.

According to the relevant ministry, Kazakh scientists are currently actively working together with their foreign counterparts on methods and technologies to restore historical sites. The experts take into account absolutely all the details, from the composition of ancient building materials to climate patterns.