OPEC forecasts oil production surge in Kazakhstan by 2025

OPEC forecasts oil production surge in Kazakhstan by 2025

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) forecasts an uptick in oil and liquid hydrocarbon production in Kazakhstan in 2025. The latter is projected to grow by 120,000 barrels per day, reaching 2.1 million barrels, according to OPEC’s March report. This year’s output stands slightly lower at 1.9 million barrels. Experts attribute this anticipated growth primarily to the future expansion of oil extraction at the Tengiz oil field. Overall, in January, Kazakhstan extracted 15,000 more barrels of oil per day, averaging around 1.6 million barrels daily. Despite this, Kazakhstan exceeded its commitments within the voluntary agreements of OPEC+, according to analysts. This measure is aimed at maintaining stability and balance in all oil markets. Now the country plans to offset overproduction until May. At the same time, OPEC predicts a significant surge in global oil and liquid hydrocarbon consumption. By 2025, world oil demand is expected to exceed 106 million barrels per day.