Olympics preparation headquarters starts its work in Astana

Olympics preparation headquarters starts its work in Astana

The Olympic Games preparation headquarters has opened in the Kazakh capital. Its tasks include supporting athletes for the upcoming main global championship and beyond. The authorized body will operate until the completion of all comprehensive competitions. The first major event for Kazakhstan in 2024 will be the fourth Winter Youth Olympic Games, which will take place from January 19 to February 1 in Gangwon province in South Korea. Then, the 33rd Olympic Summer Games and the 18th Paralympic Games will be held in Paris in the summer. It is noteworthy that the national team of Kazakhstan has secured 17 Olympic licenses across eight sports.

“We did not have such a practice before. The headquarters will be in operation continuously. We are facing lots of issues, including medical support and pharmacology, which are being coordinated with our embassies abroad. This is not only for the Olympic Games in Paris. In just two weeks, the national team will travel to Gangwon province in South Korea. Overall, we have secured 30 licenses, and 42 athletes will participate in 10 disciplines. We hope for success,” said Yermek Marzhikpayev, Kazakh Minister of Tourism and Sports.