New trend among Kazakh youth: intellectual games in quiz format

Intellectual games are gaining popularity among Kazakhstan’s youth. The TezTap contest, conducted in the Kazakh language in a quiz format, attracts around 100 participants weekly in 11 cities across the country. The game for the quick-witted has been at the top for three years.

Sayasat Ideyatuly is a proficient player who has been participating in the Kazakh quiz since the beginning. As an enthusiast of intellectual games, he notes that the process not only helps expand mental horizons but also provides a unique platform for fun and new acquaintances.

«Participating in the quiz makes me really happy. The process of deeply concentrating and searching for an answer generates positive emotions, and discovering the correct answer amplifies those feelings. When people are happy, their bodies release happiness hormones, which is something I feel during a quiz game,» Ideyatuly said.

«One of the benefits of an intellectual game is the opportunity to meet smart, creative, and intelligent people. When you start playing quizzes, life takes on a new vibrancy and becomes more diverse and fun. The entire process takes 3-4 hours, with the preparation and participation becoming a ritual,» said game player Nursaya Mizambek.

Organizers carefully prepare for each quiz. In the game, it is important that the questions are based on verified sources. The topics vary from politics to show business.

«I believe that taking part in a quiz game is one of the most valuable ways to spend time as it provides a great amount of intellectual content. For instance, people who attend our quiz, even as observers, can still gain a lot of useful information. Quizzes cover a range of topics, such as new books and movies that have been released,» noted Dana Kamzabek, author of the intellectual game.

Due to the increased demand for intellectual games in Kazakh, the organizers intend to divide them into thematic sections, expand the geography of competitions among the smart and talented, as well as to hold large-scale tournaments. There are also plans to attract an older audience to intellectual games. Thus, in the near future a Kazakh quiz among pensioners may appear.