Kazakh Kurultai held in Russia’s Tyumen region

The Kazakh Kurultai in Russia brought together over 7,000 ethnic Kazakhs from 11 districts of the Tyumen region. Representatives of the local diaspora not only served traditional dishes such as baursaks (a puffy fried bread) and kymyz (horse milk) in the yurts but also showcased traditional costumes and, most importantly, introduced guests to the ancient customs of the nomadic people and popular games. The Tyumen region was chosen for the Kurultai due to its largest population of ethnic Kazakhs, totaling around 20,000 people.

«The annual holding of the Kazakh Kurultai in the Tyumen region has become a good tradition. Every year, its geography expands and the location changes, but the core meaning of the celebration remains intact. The main purpose is unity and friendship of our multinational people. Kurultai is a holiday for all residents of our large multinational Tyumen region. Guests and participants can share their culture, traditions, and customs, and learn about the culture and traditions of their neighbors, acquaintances, and friends,» said Yessengali Ibrayev, head of National and Cultural Autonomy of Kazakhs of Tyumen region.

Last year, the first-ever nationwide Kazakh Kurultai in Russia was held in the Tyumen Region. It brought together over 17,000 people from 18 regions of the neighboring country.